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From Proto-Finnic *peerdäk.


  • (Luutsa, Liivtšülä) IPA(key): /ˈpeːrːæ/, [ˈpeːrʲːə̟]
  • Rhymes: -eːrːæ
  • Hyphenation: peer‧re




  1. to fart


Conjugation of peerre (type V-3/tullõ, no gradation)
Present Perfect
positive negative positive negative
1st singular peeren en peere 1st singular õõn peerrü en õõ peerrü
2nd singular peered ed peere 2nd singular õõd peerrü ed õõ peerrü
3rd singular peereb eb peere 3rd singular on peerrü eb õõ peerrü
1st plural peeremme emmä peere 1st plural õõmmõ peerrü emmä õõ peerrü
2nd plural peerette että peere 2nd plural õõttõ peerrü että õõ peerrü
3rd plural peerrä eväd peere 3rd plural õlla peertü eväd õõ peertü
impersonal peerrä eväd peere impersonal õlla peertü eväd õõ peertü
Imperfect Pluperfect
positive negative positive negative
1st singular peerin en peerrü 1st singular õlin peerrü
2nd singular peerid ed peerrü 2nd singular õlid peerrü
3rd singular peeri eb peerrü 3rd singular õli peerrü
1st plural peerimme emmä peerrü 1st plural õlimmõ peerrü
2nd plural peeritte että peerrü 2nd plural õlittõ peerrü
3rd plural peerti eväd peertü 3rd plural õlti peertü
impersonal peerti eväd peertü impersonal õlti peertü
Present Perfect
positive negative positive negative
1st singular peereizin en peereizʹ 1st singular õllõizin peerrü en õllõizʹ peerrü
2nd singular peereizid ed peereizʹ 2nd singular õllõizid peerrü ed õllõizʹ peerrü
3rd singular peereizʹ eb peereizʹ 3rd singular õllõizʹ peerrü eb õllõizʹ peerrü
1st plural peereizimme emmä peereizʹ 1st plural õllõizimmõ peerrü emmä õllõizʹ peerrü
2nd plural peereizitte että peereizʹ 2nd plural õllõizittõ peerrü että õllõizʹ peerrü
3rd plural peertäizʹ eväd peertäizʹ 3rd plural õltaizʹ peertü eväd õltaizʹ peertü
impersonal peertäizʹ eväd peertäizʹ impersonal õltaizʹ peertü eväd õltaizʹ peertü
positive negative
1st singular
2nd singular peere elä peere
3rd singular peerko elko peerko
1st plural
2nd plural peerka elka peerka
3rd plural peerkod
Nominal forms
Infinitives Participles
active passive
1st peerre present peereje1)
2nd illative peeremä past peerrü peertü
inessive peeremez 1) also used as the agent noun
elative peeremesse
abessive peeremette


  • Hallap, V., Adler, E., Grünberg, S., Leppik, M. (2012) “peerrä”, in Vadja keele sõnaraamat [A dictionary of the Votic language], 2nd edition, Tallinn