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Southern Ndebele




Borrowed from English orange.




  1. orange


Relative concord
Modifier Copulative
1st singular engiorentji ngiorentji
2nd singular oorentji uorentji
1st plural esiorentji siorentji
2nd plural eniorentji niorentji
Class 1 oorentji uorentji
Class 2 abaorentji baorentji
Class 3 oorentji uorentji
Class 4 eorentji iorentji
Class 5 eliorentji liorentji
Class 6 aorentji aorentji
Class 7 esiorentji siorentji
Class 8 eziorentji ziorentji
Class 9 eorentji iorentji
Class 10 eziorentji ziorentji
Class 14 obuorentji buorentji
Class 15 okuorentji kuorentji
Class 17 okuorentji kuorentji

See also

Colors in Southern Ndebele · imibala (layout · text)
     -mhlophe      -tshetlha      -nzima
             -bomvu              -orentji; -nzotho              -tjheli
                          -phephuli              -pinki