[edit]Alternative forms
[edit]From Arabic اِنْقَرَدَ (inqarada).
[edit]nqered (imperfect jinqered)
- mediopassive of qered:
- to be destroyed, to go to ruin
- ca. 1995, “Ismagħni ftit, ħabib”, performed by Chiara:
- Ħajtek tinqered,
Titlifha darba għal dejjem...
Ismagħni ftit, ħabib!- Your life is being destroyed,
You’re losing it once and for all...
Listen to me a bit, my friend!
- Your life is being destroyed,
- to destroy, ruin oneself
- ca. 1995, “Ismagħni ftit, ħabib”, performed by Chiara:
- Bid-droga tinqeridx ftit, ftit!
U ħajtek tħarbathiex, hekk żgħir, żagħżugħ...- Don’t destroy yourself with drugs little by little!
And don’t ruin your life, this young, a kid...
- Don’t destroy yourself with drugs little by little!
- to be destroyed, to go to ruin