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Old Tupi


Alternative forms





  1. forms reflexive verbs
    • 1618, Antônio de Araújo, “Preguntas gèraes pera o principio da Confiſsão” (chapter 1), in Cateciſmo na Lingoa Braſilica [Catechism in the Brazilian Language], 1 edition, Livro Sexto do Confessionário [ ] (overall work in Old Tupi, Portuguese, and Latin), Lisbon: Pedro Crasbeeck, page 97v:
      Ereîcuacûpe, nde angaipába amõ abarè çuî, cenotiâmonhe¿/ ſe diſſer que ſim./ [] Ereyabí etè Tûpã nheenga ndeangaipâba cuacûpa Anhãga çupè enhemeeng-etêbo: teûmè ang-iré emonã eicôbo.
      [Ereîkuakupe nde angaîpaba amõ abaré suí, senotĩamo nhẽ?/ Se disser que sim:/ [] Ereîabyeté Tupã nhe'enga nde angaîpaba kuakupa, Anhanga supé enheme'engetébo. Teumẽ angiré emonã eîkóbo.]
      Did you hide your sins from some priest, being ashamed of them, indeed? / If he says yes: [] You greatly transgress the word of God when you hide your sins, truly yielding yourself to the Devil. Beware henceforth of acting in this manner.
  2. forms the passive voice
    • 1645 August 19, Antônio Filipe Camarão, Letter to Pedro Poti (Camarão Indians' letters; 1), page 1:
      peimo agime mara monhagape oreguaçebaba çupe Coartel nhemeega peimoagime apiabaiba oreçui pepigçiro Ixupenho Coartel nhemeẽgi
      [Peîmo'ang ymẽ marãmonhangápe oré gûasembaba supé quartel nheme'enga. Peîmo'ang ymẽ apŷabaíba oré suí pe pysyrõ. I xupé nhõ quartel nheme'engi.]
      Don't think that in war to those we encounter quarter is given [that is, that captives are not killed]. Don't think that evil men save you from us. To them only quarter is given.

Further reading
