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neparasts (definite nerastais)

  1. gotten used to, made into a habit; indefinite past passive participle of neparast





neparasts (definite neparastais, comparative neparastāks, superlative visneparastākais, adverb neparasti)

  1. rare, uncommon, unusual (which is not frequently seen, which differs from others of its kind, which differs from the norm)
    neparastas krāsas dzintarsamber of unusual color
    šā ezera ūdens ļoti neparasts: līdz piecu metru dziļumam sniedzas saldūdens slānis, bet dziļāk - līdz pat dibenam - ūdens sāļšthe water of this lake (is) very unusual: down to five meters deep it has a layer of fresh water; deeper, down to the very bottom, the water (is) salty
    “jūs esat Zintra?” “jā...” “nekad nebiju dzirdējis šādu vārdu... tas ir neparasts un skaists”“are you Zintra?” “yes...” “I have never heard such a name... it is uncommon and beautiful”
  2. unusual, uncommon, special (which stands out, which has excellent characteristics)
    zēniem likās, ka tēvocis Miša ir kaut kāds neparasts cilvēks,.. kas nekad nepiekūst, kas spēj visuit seemed to the boys that uncle Miša was some unusual, special person who never got tired, who was capable of everything
    juvelieru izstrādājumiem dārgakmeņus lieto krāsu skaistuma un neparastā mirdzuma dēļprecious stones are used in jewelry because of (their) beauty and uncommon shine, glow
    sestajā dzīvības gadā Emīlam mostas interese par mūziku... viņa neparasto muzikalitāti vecāki ir pamanījušiin (his) sixth year of life Emīls first showed interest for music... (his) parents noticed his uncommon musicality





Derived terms
