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See also: neparastībā





From neparasts (uncommon, unusual) +‎ -ība, with neparasts from ne- +‎ parasts (normal, ordinary, usual), parasts being the past participle of the verb parast (to get used to), from pa- +‎ rast (to find).


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neparastība f (4th declension)

  1. uncommonness, unusualness, extraordinariness, abnormality (the quality or state of that which is uncommon, unusual, extraordinary, not normal)
    tas piešķir Svempa gleznām neparastībuthis fact gave Svemps' paintins a (certain) uncommonness
    darbs no tiesas visus aizrāva: tieši ar savu neparastību, vienreizībuthe work completely captivated everybody: precisely with its uncommonness, uniqueness
    jā, protams, es sievietē sazīmēju Alisi, taču viņā viedās tāda neparastība un trauksme, ka uzreiz kļuva skaidrs... kaut kas ir noticis!yes, of course, I see Alise in the woman, but in her some abnormality, an anxiety which suddenly became clear... something has happened!


Declension of neparastība (4th declension)
singular plural
nominative neparastība
genitive neparastības
dative neparastībai
accusative neparastību
instrumental neparastību
locative neparastībā
vocative neparastība



