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na- (atelic, circuital) + -y- (3rd person object prefix) + ∅- (3rd person subject prefix) + -∅- (classifier)-ziid (continuative imperfective stem of root -ZIID, “to pour”).




  1. he/she is spreading it around, stirring it (fine or pourable material)



Paradigm: Continuative (∅/si).

imperfective singular duoplural plural
1st person naasiid neiidziid ndeiidziid
2nd person naniziid naahsiid ndaahsiid
3rd person neiziid ndeiziid
4th person njiziid ndajiziid
perfective singular duoplural plural
1st person niséziid nisiidziid ndasiidziid
2nd person nisíníziid nisooziid ndasooziid
3rd person neiziid ndeiziid
4th person njiziid ndajiziid
future singular duoplural plural
1st person ndeesił ndiidził ndadiidził
2nd person ndííził ndoohsił ndadoohsił
3rd person neidooził ndeidooził
4th person nizhdooził ndazhdooził

Verbal stems

  • ITERATIVE: -d + -ziʼ = -dziʼ
  • OPTATIVE: -ziid