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From ne- +‎ gluds (smooth).


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negluds (definite negludais, comparative negludāks, superlative visnegludākais, adverb negludi)

  1. rough, rugged, unpolished (having bumps, hollows, folds)
    negluds dēlisrough, unpolished board
    negluda galda virsmarough table surface
    negluds ceļšrough road
    negludi akmeņirough stones
  2. (of skin) rough (having wrinkles, bumps, also hair)
    negluda sejas ādarough facial skin
  3. (of water surfaces) rough (having waves)
    negluds ezera līmenisrough lake level
    negluda jūrarough sea
  4. (of language) unpolished (not smooth, not flowing well, needing correction, not having the right style)
    negluds romāna stilsunpolished novel style
    negludi teikumiharsh, unpolished sentences
  5. (of events, actions) rough (having problems, difficulties, failures)
    negluds dzīves posmsrough stage, phase (in) life


Indefinite declension (nenoteiktā galotne) of negluds
masculine (vīriešu dzimte) feminine (sieviešu dzimte)
singular plural singular plural
nominative negluds negludi negluda negludas
genitive negluda negludu negludas negludu
dative negludam negludiem negludai negludām
accusative negludu negludus negludu negludas
instrumental negludu negludiem negludu negludām
locative negludā negludos negludā negludās





Derived terms
