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mirstams (definite mirstamais; adverb mirstami)

  1. which can or should be (made to) die; indefinite present passive participle of mirt
  2. (dated sense) which is meant for a burial, for a funeral
    mirstamais kreklsburial, funeral shirt

mirstams (definite mirstamais; adverb mirstami)

  1. (dialectal) which can or should be forgotten; indefinite present passive participle of mirst


Indefinite declension (nenoteiktā galotne) of mirstams
masculine (vīriešu dzimte) feminine (sieviešu dzimte)
singular plural singular plural
nominative mirstams mirstami mirstama mirstamas
genitive mirstama mirstamu mirstamas mirstamu
dative mirstamam mirstamiem mirstamai mirstamām
accusative mirstamu mirstamus mirstamu mirstamas
instrumental mirstamu mirstamiem mirstamu mirstamām
locative mirstamā mirstamos mirstamā mirstamās