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mißförſtånd c

  1. obsolete typography of missförstånd (misunderstanding)
    • 1854 April 1, “Örebro”, in Nerikes nya Allahanda, number 26, page 1:
      Söderlindhs ſpannmålsmagafin, angifvitſ hafwa tillgripit, hos dem ſedermera afhemntade, ſmärre ſpannmålsquantiteter, hafwa, mindre i uppſåt att ſtjäla, än af mißförſtånd, gjort tillgreppet, emedan det upplyſtes, att ett af hr Söderlindh gifwit löfte för några fattiga att upptaga å gatan ſpilld råg och i magafinets nedra botten upplagd hafre ſamt något hwete, ſom han icke anſåg ſig kunna berga, blifwit ſå förſtådt, []
      Söderlindh's granary, reported to have taken, from those subsequently seized, smaller quantities of grain, have, less with intent to steal, than by misunderstanding, committed the act, as it was explained that a promise from Mr. Söderlindh to allow some poor people to collect spilled rye from the street and oats stored in the lower part of the granary, along with some wheat, which he did not consider he could save, was thus understood, []

