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From mats (hair) +‎ -ains.


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matains (definite matainais, comparative mataināks, superlative vismatainākais, adverb mataini)

  1. (of people) hairy (having abundant, long, usually neglected, unkempt, hair)
    viegla kā balts taurenis viņa lidinās apkārt krēslam, kurā sēž kāds bārdains vai matains vīrslight as a white butterfly, she hovered around the chair on which some bearded, hairy man was sitting
  2. (of human body parts) hairy (where hair grows)
    vīrieši nolieca matainās galvas un plikos pakaušusthe men bowed (their) hairy heads and naked (= hairless) napes
  3. (of insects, arthropods) hairy (having little hairs or hair-like appendages)
    sīlis iznīcina matainos kāpurusthe jay (bird) destroyed the hairy caterpillars
  4. (of plants, their parts) hairy (having hairs or hair-like appendages)
    matainas lapashairy leaves
    ārstnieciskā verbena ir nedaudz matains lakstaugsthe medicinal verbena is a slightly hairy herbaceous plant


Indefinite declension (nenoteiktā galotne) of matains
masculine (vīriešu dzimte) feminine (sieviešu dzimte)
singular plural singular plural
nominative matains mataini mataina matainas
genitive mataina matainu matainas matainu
dative matainam matainiem matainai matainām
accusative matainu matainus matainu matainas
instrumental matainu matainiem matainu matainām
locative matainā matainos matainā matainās



Derived terms
