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Compound of lufthål (air hole) +‎ -s- +‎ permission (furlough; leave).



lufthålspermission c

  1. A type of prison furlough that is especially short and with long intervals. (Is there an English equivalent to this definition?)
    • 2023 May 6, Mia Pettersson, “Permission dras in för morddömde [NN] [Leave revoked for convicted murderer [NN]]”, in Göteborgs-Posten[1]:
      Han får inte regelbundna permissioner men kan beviljas så kallad lufthålspermission. En sådan är bara ett par timmar lång och sker alltid under övervakning.
      He does not receive regular leaves but can be granted so-called [air hole leave]. Such is only a couple of hours long and always takes place under supervision.
    • 2013 February 15, Erik Carlsson, “Professor vill att Englas mamma kompenseras för polisens missar [The professor wants Engla's mother to be compensated for the police's mistakes]”, in Nyheter24[2]:
      Eklund, som avtjänar ett livstidsstraff på Norrtäljeanstalten, har fått en så kallad lufthålspermission som innebär fyra timmar i frihet.
      Eklund, who is serving a life sentence at the Norrtäljenstalten, has been granted a so-called [air hole leave] which means four hours of freedom.