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See also: likumībā





From likums (law) +‎ -ība (with likums from likt (to put, to place) +‎ -ums).



likumība f (4th declension)

  1. legality, lawfulness (the quality of that which is legal, lawful)
    spriedumu izpildīšanas likumību uzrauga prokurorsthe prosecutor supervises the legality of the execution of a sentence
    abortu likumīgums pasaulēthe legality of abortion in the world
  2. regularity (the quality of that which follows rules, which is not random)
    rakstnieks nevis vienkārši “noraksta”, bet pirmām kārtām izzina dzīvi, tās likumībasa writer doesn't simply “write (stuff) down,” but primarily explores life and its regularities
    fizikālo un tehnisko problēmu pamatā arvien ir matemātiskas likumības, kuras izsakāmas ar skaitliskām sakarībāmat the root of physical and technical problems are always mathematical regularities, which are expressable with numerical relations



