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From lepns (proud) +‎ -ums.


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lepnums m (1st declension)

  1. pride (mental, emotional state or quality characterized by high self-esteem, self-awareness, a feeling of superiority)
    izjust lepnumuto feel pride
    es atskārtu, ka nav nemaz slikti, ja meitene man nezvana: viņai ir savs lepnums; nevis spītība, bet lepnumsI realized that it is not at all bad if the girl doesn't call me: she has her pride; not spitefulness, but pride
    “bet zini,” viņa piemetināja maigā mātes lepnumā, “Sarmīte ir ļoti jauka”“but, you know,” she added with (lit. in) a tender mother's pride, “Sarmīte is very nice”
  2. pride (that which causes the feeling of pride)
    Roberts Bernss ir angļu klasiskās rakstniecības lepnumsRobert Burns is the pride of English classical literature
    gudrs, uzcītīgs un savam saimniekam paklausīgs suns ir katra mednieka lepnumsa dog that is clever, diligent and obedient to his master is every hunter's pride
    senas celtnes un jauni dārzi ir mazo pilsētiņu lepnumsold buildings and new gardens are a small town's pride


Declension of lepnums (1st declension)
singular plural
nominative lepnums
genitive lepnuma
dative lepnumam
accusative lepnumu
instrumental lepnumu
locative lepnumā
vocative lepnum