lavorare duro

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Literally, to work hard.



lavoràre duro (first-person singular present lavóro duro, first-person singular past historic lavorài duro, past participle lavoràto duro, auxiliary avére)

  1. (idiomatic, intransitive) to work hard
    • 1990, Ernest Hemingway, translated by Ettore Capriolo, Fiesta [The Sun Also Rises], Mondadori:
      Restò seduto in anticamera a leggere i giornali, mentre il redattore e editore e io lavorammo duro per due ore.
      He sat in the outer room and read the papers, and the Editor and Publisher and I worked hard for two hours.
      (literally, “He sat in the waiting room reading the newspapers, while the editor and publisher and I worked hard for two hours.”)