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langgar lari

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From langgar (to collide, to hit, to crash into) +‎ lari (to run).



langgar lari (informal 1st possessive langgar lariku, 2nd possessive langgar larimu, 3rd possessive langgar larinya)

  1. hit and run (crime of causing an accident and leaving)
    • 2018 October 19, “Kes langgar lari Cyberjaya: Polis tahan empat pelajar [Hit-and-run case in Cyberjaya: Police detain four students]”, in Astro Awani[1]:
      Polis menahan tiga lelaki warga asing dan seorang wanita tempatan bagi membantu kes langgar lari sehingga menyebabkan kematian seorang penolong pengurus sebuah syarikat telekomunikasi di hadapan bangunan kedai Shafbury, Cyberjaya.
      Police have detained three foreign men and one local woman to assist in a hit-and-run case that resulted in the death of a telecommunications company assistant manager in front of the Shafbury building, Cyberjaya.

Further reading
