[edit]From kluss (“quiet, silent”) + -ums.
[edit]klusums m (1st declension)
- silence, quiet (state in which there are no strong, no hearable sounds, noises)
- iestājās pilnīgs, absolūts klusums ― a complete, an absolute silence fell
- nakts klusumā ― in the silence of the night
- svinīgs, baigs klusums ― solemn, grim silence
- slimniekam vajadzīgs miers un klusums ― the patient needs peace and quiet
- kapa, nāves klusums ― the silence of a tomb, of death (i.e., absolute silence)
- klusuma brīdis ― moment of silence
- ievērot, pārtraukt klusumu ― to observe, to disturb the silence
- (figuratively) silence, calm (a state in a process where there is little or no intense activity)
- frontē iestājās klusums ― silence fell on the front
- klusums pirms vētras ― the silence, calm before the storm (i.e., before terrible events)
- piece, quiet, calm (the quality of that which is silent, peaceful, calm)
- mājas klusums ― home quiet, calm
- meža klusums ― forest quiet, silence
- vakara klusums ― evening calm, quiet
- nomales klusums ― suburban calm, quiet