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Compound of kakelugn (cocklestove, tile stove) +‎ -s- +‎ aſka (ash).



kakelugnsaſka c

  1. obsolete typography of kakelugnsaska (cocklestove ash)
    • 1854 April 1, “Örebro”, in Nerikes nya Allahanda, number 26, page 1:
      Wid i Onsdags, inför Rådhusrätten fortſatt förhör, till utrönande af eldens uppkomſt ſiſtlidne wecka, inhemtades att den härledt ſig deraf, att aſka blifwit af en lärgosſe utförd och ned kaſtad uti en i den ſå kallade färgboden ſtående trätunna, i hwilken, efter gammalt bruk, kakelugnsaſka ſamlades. Någon fullkomlig wiẞhet härom har dock icke kunnat erhållas.
      On Wednesday, during the continued examination before the Town Court to ascertain the cause of the fire that occurred last week, it was gathered that the fire originated from ashes that had been taken out by a schoolboy and cast into a wooden barrel within the so-called paint shop, where, by old custom, ashes from the tile stove were collected. However, no complete certainty on this matter has yet been obtained.


Declension of kakelugnsaſka 
Indefinite Definite
Nominative kakelugnsaſka kakelugnsaſkan
Genitive kakelugnsaſkas kakelugnsaſkans