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ʼa- (away) + -y- (3rd person object prefix) + ∅- (3rd person subject prefix) + -ł- (classifier, causative)-máás (imperfective stem of root -MÁÁZ, “to roll”).

The stem -máás (globular, spherical, ball-like shape) is cognate with -bą́ą́z (hooplike, ringlike shape), and they have the same origin, which possibly is Proto-Athabaskan *wątsʼ (roll)






  1. he/she is rolling it away
    Yah iiłmáás.He rolls it into an enclosure
    Yóóʼ iiłmáás.He is disposes of it by rolling it away.



Paradigm: Momentaneous (∅/yi), with da-shift.

imperfective singular duoplural plural
1st person iismáás iilmáás adeiilmáás
2nd person aniłmáás oołmáás adaałmáás
3rd person iiłmáás adeiłmáás
4th person ajiłmáás adajiłmáás
future singular duoplural plural
1st person adeesmas adiilmas adadiilmas
2nd person adííłmas adoołmas adadoołmas
3rd person iidoołmas adeidoołmas
4th person azhdoołmas adazhdoołmas

Verbal stems

  • ITERATIVE: -mas
  • OPTATIVE: -máás

See also
