hejsan hoppsan

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hejsan hoppsan

  1. (colloquial) A greeting; "hidy howdy"
    Synonym: hejsan
    • 1946, “Mössens julafton (När nätterna blir långa) [The mice's Christmas Eve (When the nights get long)]”, Ulf Peder Olrog (lyrics), Alf Prøysen (music)‎[1]:
      När nätterna blir långa och kölden sätter in, tar mamma mus och samlar hela barnaskaran sin. Hon visar sen på fällan: "Akta er för den, så får vi allesammans fira jul igen." Hejsan hoppsan, fallerallera, när julen kommer ska varenda unge vara gla' [glad]! Hejsan hoppsan, fallerallera, när julen kommer ska varenda unge vara gla' [glad]!
      When the nights get long and the cold sets in, then mother mouse goes and gathers her whole group of children. She then points [directs, more generally] to the trap: "Beware of that one, and we will all get to celebrate Christmas again." Hidy howdy, fallerallera [expression of exhilaration, often in song], when [the] Christmas comes, every kid should be happy! Hidy howdy, fallerallera, when [the] Christmas comes, every kid should be happy!
  2. (colloquial) Expresses a reaction to a mistake or surprise; whoopsie-daisy, oh
    Synonyms: hoppsan hejsan, hoppsan

See also

  • hej (has a list of greetings and farewells)

