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harmaa +‎ -o


  • IPA(key): /ˈhɑrmo/, [ˈhɑ̝rmo̞]
  • Rhymes: -ɑrmo
  • Hyphenation(key): har‧mo




  1. gray horse
  2. (in compounds) gray


Inflection of harmo (Kotus type 1/valo, no gradation)
nominative harmo harmot
genitive harmon harmojen
partitive harmoa harmoja
illative harmoon harmoihin
singular plural
nominative harmo harmot
accusative nom. harmo harmot
gen. harmon
genitive harmon harmojen
partitive harmoa harmoja
inessive harmossa harmoissa
elative harmosta harmoista
illative harmoon harmoihin
adessive harmolla harmoilla
ablative harmolta harmoilta
allative harmolle harmoille
essive harmona harmoina
translative harmoksi harmoiksi
abessive harmotta harmoitta
instructive harmoin
comitative See the possessive forms below.
Possessive forms of harmo (Kotus type 1/valo, no gradation)
first-person singular possessor
singular plural
nominative harmoni harmoni
accusative nom. harmoni harmoni
gen. harmoni
genitive harmoni harmojeni
partitive harmoani harmojani
inessive harmossani harmoissani
elative harmostani harmoistani
illative harmooni harmoihini
adessive harmollani harmoillani
ablative harmoltani harmoiltani
allative harmolleni harmoilleni
essive harmonani harmoinani
translative harmokseni harmoikseni
abessive harmottani harmoittani
comitative harmoineni
second-person singular possessor
singular plural
nominative harmosi harmosi
accusative nom. harmosi harmosi
gen. harmosi
genitive harmosi harmojesi
partitive harmoasi harmojasi
inessive harmossasi harmoissasi
elative harmostasi harmoistasi
illative harmoosi harmoihisi
adessive harmollasi harmoillasi
ablative harmoltasi harmoiltasi
allative harmollesi harmoillesi
essive harmonasi harmoinasi
translative harmoksesi harmoiksesi
abessive harmottasi harmoittasi
comitative harmoinesi
first-person plural possessor
singular plural
nominative harmomme harmomme
accusative nom. harmomme harmomme
gen. harmomme
genitive harmomme harmojemme
partitive harmoamme harmojamme
inessive harmossamme harmoissamme
elative harmostamme harmoistamme
illative harmoomme harmoihimme
adessive harmollamme harmoillamme
ablative harmoltamme harmoiltamme
allative harmollemme harmoillemme
essive harmonamme harmoinamme
translative harmoksemme harmoiksemme
abessive harmottamme harmoittamme
comitative harmoinemme
second-person plural possessor
singular plural
nominative harmonne harmonne
accusative nom. harmonne harmonne
gen. harmonne
genitive harmonne harmojenne
partitive harmoanne harmojanne
inessive harmossanne harmoissanne
elative harmostanne harmoistanne
illative harmoonne harmoihinne
adessive harmollanne harmoillanne
ablative harmoltanne harmoiltanne
allative harmollenne harmoillenne
essive harmonanne harmoinanne
translative harmoksenne harmoiksenne
abessive harmottanne harmoittanne
comitative harmoinenne

Derived terms


Old High German




From Proto-Germanic *harmô.



harmo m

  1. ermine


Declension of harmo (masculine n-stem)
case singular plural
nominative harmo harmon, harmun
accusative harmon, harmun harmon, harmun
genitive harmen, harmin harmōno
dative harmen, harmin harmōm, harmōn


  • Middle High German: harme
  • Old High German: harmilo