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Attested since the 15th century (gordeen). From gordo (fat) +‎ -én.





gordén f (plural gordéns)

  1. fatness, obesity
    Synonym: gordura
  2. fat tissue
    • 1409, J. L. Pensado Tomé, editor, Tratado de Albeitaria, Santiago de Compostela: Centro Ramón Piñeiro, page 99:
      Outra enfirmidade ueo ao Cauallo apreso do polmo que sarra os furados de dentro porque espira o polmon pello qual çarramento o Cauallo adur pode soprar como lle conuen, et fazeselle que sopra moito porllos nares et ferenlle ou lateianlle os jllaes, a qual door auen ligeiramente ao Cauallo groso, ca por rrazon do traballo desagisado et da caentura et da gordeen que se dessolue ençarranse ao Cauallo as arterias do polmon
      Another sickness come to the horse suffering polmo which closes the holes inside for which the lung breathes, and because of that closeness the horse cannot blow as needed, and makes him blow a lot for the nostrils and his flanks throb or hurt; and said sickness come promptly to the fat horse, because of the disturbed work and of the heat and of the fat that gets dissolved the horse's lung arteries close

