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fyr (lighthouse) +‎ vakta (guard) +‎ -are (-er)



fyrvaktare c

  1. a lighthouse keeper
    • 1971, Contact (lyrics and music), “Fyrvaktarns [fyrvaktarens] dotter [The lighthouse keeper's daughter]”, in Utmarker [Outfields]‎[1]:
      Hon föddes i kostern på väg in mot land, liten och tunn i bränningens kittel. Stormarna hälsade henne till livet, men moderns själ bar de till himlen. Och klockorna sjöng i Dyrö församling. De ringde för fyrvaktarns [fyrvaktarens] dotter.
      She was born in the koster [type of wide sailboat] on the way to [on the way in toward] land, small and thin in the cauldron of the surf. The storms greeted her to life, but her mother's soul they bore to heaven. And the bells sang in Dyrö parish. They were ringing for the lighthouse keeper's daughter.


Declension of fyrvaktare 
Singular Plural
Indefinite Definite Indefinite Definite
Nominative fyrvaktare fyrvaktaren fyrvaktare fyrvaktarna
Genitive fyrvaktares fyrvaktarens fyrvaktares fyrvaktarnas


