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Borrowed from Spanish fuerza.




  1. force, strength, vigor
  2. coercion, compulsion




  1. to force, compel



Alternative forms




Inherited from Old Spanish fuerça, from Late Latin fortia, from Latin fortis, from Proto-Indo-European *bʰerǵʰ- (fort).



fuersa f (Hebrew spelling פ׳ואירסה)[1]

  1. energy; might; power; strength [ca. 1510[2]]
    Synonym: enerjía
    • 1989, Aki Yerushalayim[1], volume 10, number 40, page 30:
      Se yamo este livro Tsits Refua porke al modo de el tsits es una nada legabe de el arvol, kon todo tiene en su fuersa i es kolel un arvol entero kon sus flores i frutos, ansi este livro aunke es una nada legabe de la hohma de la dotoria, kon todo, meldandolo i entendiendolo bien se topa ke es kolel toda la hohma.
      This book is called Calico Treatment because calico’s way is nothing compared to the tree’s, with everything in its power, and an entire tree is a collection with flowers and fruits, thus while this book is nothing compared to doctorhood’s wisdom, despite everything, reading it and understanding it well it is found to be a collection of all wisdom.
    • 2006, Matilda Koén-Sarano, Vejés liviana[2], נור הפקות, page 73:
      Abashó del arvolé, i kon sus últimas fuersas se fue verso esta luz.
      He climbed down from the tree, and with its last powers it went towards this light.
    • 2007, Moshe 'Ha-Elion, Las angustias del enferno: las pasadias de un djidio de Saloniki en los kampos de eksterminasion almanes Auschwitz, Mauthausen, Melk i Ebensee[3], Sentro Moshe David Gaon de Kultura Djudeo-Espanyola, Universidad Ben-Gurion del Negev, →ISBN, page 103:
      En los tres otros dias de la marcha las kozas se pasaron de la mizma manera, i solo mi fuersa me se fuiya mas i mas, la kanseria se aumentava i se empatronava de mi puerpo entero, i mi kaminada me azia grande pezgadia.
      In the three days of marching things happened the same way, only my energy was draining more and more, my fatigue worsening and seizing my entire body, and it was harder to walk.
  2. force (powerful phenomenon)
    • 2002, Aki Yerushalayim[4], numbers 68–72, page 6:
      Kuando Almanya atako este paiz, en Mayo 1940, el entro komo kapitan en las fuersas armadas ʻholandezas, lucho kon eroizmo kontra los almanes i kayo prizionero kuando ʻHolanda fue okupada por los nazistas.
      When Germany attacked this country in May 1940, he stepped in as captain of the Netherlandish armed forces, fought heroically against the Germans, and became [a] prisoner when the German Fascists occupied the Netherlands.


  1. ^ fuersa”, in Trezoro de la Lengua Djudeoespanyola.
  2. ^ Dov Cohen and Ora (Rodrigue) Schwarzwald (2019 June 19) “Coṃpendio delas šeḥiṭót (Constantinople ca. 1510): The First Judeo-Spanish Printed Publication”, in Journal of Jewish Languages, volume 7, number 1, Leiden: Koninklijke Brill NV, →DOI, →ISSN, pages 47, 49