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  • Audio (US):(file)

Etymology 1


From frog +‎ -ery.

Alternative forms




froggery (plural froggeries)

  1. A place or enclosure where frogs are kept, and often bred.
    Synonym: ranarium

Etymology 2


Deliberate misspelling of forgery.

Alternative forms




froggery (plural froggeries)

  1. (Internet slang) An act of impersonating another user of a newsgroup by crafting the address or sig of a post to be visually similar to that of their victim, as a form of trolling or for the purpose of harming their online reputation.[1]
    • 1992 April 17, Gerald Oskoboiny, “need help w this heading”, in talk.bizarre[1] (Usenet):
      [A FROOD WHO SURE KNOWS WHERE HIS TOWEL IS:] >Well, since I don't actually receive Alt.forgery, and I saw some forged headers here... ¶ Just need help getting rid of the from places (and my user name). ¶ This is a VAX I'm on. ¶ T.
      Careful, it is currently easy to recognize a froggery.
    • 2008 May 24, Bertie the Bunyip, “Re: Another forged post”, in news.groups[2] (Usenet):
      Some will allow exactly what Alternative Maxwell is doing ( like altopia) others will only allow froggery if it's obvious, i.e. the frogger can use the name maxwell but if the associated addie was Max...@i.am.a.dumb.fjuk.com, you couldn't use, for instance, Max...@i.am.a.dumb.fjuk.con or something else so similar it isn't immediatly[sic] obvious to a casual glance.
See also


  1. ^ Rick Moen (2000–2024) “Frogery”, in “Obfuscation Mitigation (Lexicon)”, in Linuxmafia