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fram (forth) +‎ kalla (call)


  • Audio:(file)



framkalla (present framkallar, preterite framkallade, supine framkallat, imperative framkalla)

  1. to cause the emergence of (something, usually abstract); to induce, to cause, to evoke, to generate, etc.
    Den inledande attacken är avsedd att framkalla panik
    The initial attack is intended to induce panic
    Vi försöker framkalla kräkningar
    We are trying to induce vomiting[s]
    låtar som framkallar nostalgi
    songs that evoke nostalgia [väcker works too]
    cancerframkallande ämnen
    cancer-causing substances / carcinogenic substances / carcinogens
    framkallande av fara för annan
    causing danger to others [a crime in Swedish law]
    (literally, “causing of danger to other”)
  2. (photography) to develop, to process (photographic film)
    Jag gick till fotoaffären för att framkalla bilderna
    I went to the photo shop to develop the pictures
  3. to summon (more or less ceremoniously, for example a witness in court)
    Synonym: kalla fram

Usage notes


Väcka often sounds a bit better for (less extreme) feelings.


Conjugation of framkalla (weak)
active passive
infinitive framkalla framkallas
supine framkallat framkallats
imperative framkalla
imper. plural1 framkallen
present past present past
indicative framkallar framkallade framkallas framkallades
ind. plural1 framkalla framkallade framkallas framkallades
subjunctive2 framkalle framkallade framkalles framkallades
present participle framkallande
past participle framkallad

1 Archaic. 2 Dated. See the appendix on Swedish verbs.

Derived terms


See also


