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See also: foshruth

Scottish Gaelic




From fo- +‎ sruth. Calque of English undercurrent.


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fo-shruth m (genitive singular fo-shrutha, plural fo-shruthan)

  1. undercurrent
    • 1856, Iain Caird, Diadhaidheachd am measg ghnothuichean an t-saoghail: searmoin. A liubhradh ann an tigh-aoraidh Chrathaidh, air 14ug de Mhios Dheirch an Fhoghairidh, 1855, Air bealthaohh na Banrighinn agus Prionnsa Albert, leis an Urrch Iain Caird, M.I. Ministear Earoil. Air a cur a mach air iarrtas na Banrighinn, agus a nis Air a h-eadar-theangachadh o’n Bheurla., Dun-Eidean: Paton and Ritchie, page 20:
      Is amhuil dh-fhaodas fo-shruth bhi fo ghluasadan uachdair ur beatha-sa;
      It is as if an undercurrent can be under the surface movements of your life;


Mutation of fo-shruth
radical lenition
fo-shruth fho-shruth

Note: Certain mutated forms of some words can never occur in standard Scottish Gaelic.
All possible mutated forms are displayed for convenience.


  • Boyd Robertson, Ian Macdonald (2010) Essential Gaelic Dictionary, Teach Yourself, published 2012, →ISBN:undercurrent n fo-shruth m; (met) faireachdainn f.