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Etymology 1


From ar- +‎ iawl (prayer, supplication).



eiriol (first-person singular present eiriolaf)

  1. to intercede, to plead
Conjugation (literary)
singular plural impersonal
first second third first second third
present indicative/future eiriolaf eirioli eiriol eiriolwn eiriolwch eiriolant eiriolir
imperfect (indicative/subjunctive)/
eiriolwn eiriolit eiriolai eiriolem eiriolech eiriolent eiriolid
preterite eiriolais eiriolaist eiriolodd eiriolasom eiriolasoch eiriolasant eiriolwyd
pluperfect eiriolaswn eiriolasit eiriolasai eiriolasem eiriolasech eiriolasent eiriolasid, eiriolesid
present subjunctive eiriolwyf eiriolych eiriolo eiriolom eirioloch eiriolont eirioler
imperative eiriol, eiriola eirioled eiriolwn eiriolwch eiriolent eirioler
verbal noun eiriol
verbal adjectives eirioledig
Conjugation (colloquial)
colloquial forms
singular plural
first second third first second third
future eiriola i,
eiriolaf i
eirioli di eiriolith o/e/hi,
eirioliff e/hi
eiriolwn ni eiriolwch chi eiriolan nhw
conditional eiriolwn i,
eiriolswn i
eiriolet ti,
eiriolset ti
eiriolai fo/fe/hi,
eiriolsai fo/fe/hi
eiriolen ni,
eiriolsen ni
eiriolech chi,
eiriolsech chi
eiriolen nhw,
eiriolsen nhw
preterite eiriolais i,
eirioles i
eiriolaist ti,
eiriolest ti
eiriolodd o/e/hi eiriolon ni eirioloch chi eiriolon nhw
imperative eiriola eiriolwch
Derived terms

Etymology 2


From eira (snow) +‎ -ol.



eiriol (feminine singular eiriol, plural eiriol, equative mor eiriol, comparative mwy eiriol, superlative mwyaf eiriol)

  1. snowy, snow white
    Synonyms: eiriog, odlyd



eiriol m (uncountable)

  1. snowdrop
    Synonyms: blodyn yr eira, cloch baban, cloch maban, eirlys, lili fach wen, lili wen fach, prydferth ôd, tlws yr eira


Mutated forms of eiriol
radical soft nasal h-prothesis
eiriol unchanged unchanged heiriol

Note: Certain mutated forms of some words can never occur in standard Welsh.
All possible mutated forms are displayed for convenience.