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From dolan +‎ -dır.


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dolandırmaq (transitive)

  1. to support, to keep, to provide with all necessities
    • 2011 March 26, Musavat.com[1]:
      Köhnə avtomobili olan bir çox naxçıvanlı bu yolla Türkiyəyə gedib-gələrək ailələrini dolandırırdı.
      Many Nakhchivanis with old cars used to travel to Turkey and thus providing for their families.
    1. (with özünü) to make a living, to keep oneself
      • 2018 May 31, Gundeminfo.az[2]:
        Bununla yanaşı sakinlər iddia edir ki, ərazidə yaşayan kasıb, işsiz insanlar da buradakı duzu yığıb satmaqla özlərini dolandırırmışlar.
        At the same time, residents claim that the poor and unemployed people living in the area also made a living by collecting salt here and selling it.
  2. to fool
  3. to revolve, to rotate, to turn
  4. to lead around



Further reading
