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dimma (fog) +‎ ljus (light)



dimljus n

  1. (automotive) a fog light (front)
    Synonym: dimstrålkastare
    • 1949, “Rudolf med röda mulen [Rudolf with the red nose]”, Eric Sandström (lyrics), Johnny Marks (music)‎[1]:
      Rudolf med röda mulen, hette en helt vanlig ren, som blivit kall om mulen, därav kom dess röda sken. Rudolf fick alltid höra: "Se, han har sitt dimljus på!" Att han blev led åt detta, är en sak man kan förstå. Men en mörk julaftonskväll, tomtefar han sa: "Vill du inte Rudolf, säg, med din mule lysa mig?" Allt sen den dagen renen, tomtens egen släde drar. Rudolf med röda mulen, lyser väg åt tomtefar.
      Rudolf with the red nose, was the name of a [completely] ordinary reindeer, who had gotten a cold nose [had become cold about/around the nose], thence [thereof] came its red glow. Rudolf always got to hear: "Look, he has his fog light on!" That he got tired of this, is something one can understand. But one dark Christmas Eve night, Santa Claus, he said: "Don't you want to, Rudolf, say, with your nose, light my way [light me]?" Ever since that day the reindeer, Santa's own sleigh pulls. Rudolf with the red nose, lights Santa Claus's way [lights way for Santa Claus].
  2. (automotive) a fog lamp (back)
    Synonym: dimbakljus


Declension of dimljus
nominative genitive
singular indefinite dimljus dimljus
definite dimljuset dimljusets
plural indefinite dimljus dimljus
definite dimljusen dimljusens

See also


