de post

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Alternative forms




From (from) +‎ post (after).



dē post (+ accusative) (Late Latin, proscribed)

  1. after, behind
    • 5th c. CE, Sergius (grammarian)[1]
      Nemo enim dicit de post forum, nemo enim ab ante.
      Nobody [who speaks correctly] says de post the forum, nor ab ante it.
    • 5th c. CE, Pompeius[2]
      Est talis regula, praepositio praepositioni non iungitur. Hoc dicunt, puta 'apud penes' non potes facere unam partem orationis. Item qui male loquuntur modo ita dicunt 'depost illum ambulat'.
      There is a rule that a preposition is not joined to a preposition. By this they mean, for example, that you cannot make apud and penes into a single lexeme. So those who speak badly now say depost illum ambulat.




  1. ^ Herman, József. 2000. Vulgar Latin. Translated by Wright, Roger. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press. Page 26.
  2. ^ Adams, J. N. (2013) Social Variation and the Latin Language, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, →DOI, →ISBN, page 595