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From Proto-Celtic *kom-dawyo-, prefixed from *dawyo- (to kindle, burn) (modern deifio). More at deifio.





cynnau (first-person singular present cyneuaf)

  1. to kindle
  2. light a fire, ignite
  3. turn on a light


Conjugation (literary)
singular plural impersonal
first second third first second third
present indicative/future cyneuaf cyneui cynnau, cyneua cyneuwn cyneuwch cyneuant cyneuir
imperfect (indicative/subjunctive)/
cyneuwn cyneuit cyneuai cyneuem cyneuech cyneuent cyneuid
preterite cyneuais cyneuaist cyneuodd cyneuasom cyneuasoch cyneuasant cyneuwyd
pluperfect cyneuaswn cyneuasit cyneuasai cyneuasem cyneuasech cyneuasent cyneuasid, cyneuesid
present subjunctive cyneuwyf cyneuych cyneuo cyneuom cyneuoch cyneuont cyneuer
imperative cyneua cyneued cyneuwn cyneuwch cyneuent cyneuer
verbal noun cynnau
verbal adjectives cyneuedig
Conjugation (colloquial)
colloquial forms
singular plural
first second third first second third
future cyneua i,
cyneuaf i
cyneui di cyneuith o/e/hi,
cyneuiff e/hi
cyneuwn ni cyneuwch chi cyneuan nhw
conditional cyneuwn i,
cyneuswn i
cyneuet ti,
cyneuset ti
cyneuai fo/fe/hi,
cyneusai fo/fe/hi
cyneuen ni,
cyneusen ni
cyneuech chi,
cyneusech chi
cyneuen nhw,
cyneusen nhw
preterite cyneuais i,
cyneues i
cyneuaist ti,
cyneuest ti
cyneuodd o/e/hi cyneuon ni cyneuoch chi cyneuon nhw
imperative cyneua cyneuwch

See also



Mutated forms of cynnau
radical soft nasal aspirate
cynnau gynnau nghynnau chynnau

Note: Certain mutated forms of some words can never occur in standard Welsh.
All possible mutated forms are displayed for convenience.