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Middle English


Alternative forms




From cordial +‎ -ly.




  1. by heart
    • 1479, Cord’yal, Westminster: William Caxton:
      Now ſyn al this proceſſe principally and ſoueraynly enforſeth hym ſelf tenduce euery creature to haue an aſſured mynde and an hole Remembraũce of theſe four laſt thinges / and that they may cordyally be enprinted with in your hertes. [] My right dere brother & frende drede this daye and dowte cordyally the ſaide Iuge and lord that ſhal deme alle thingis / to thentent that thou mayſt the more diligently eſchewe alle ſynnes. [] And wheñe ony falle to ſynne / it is by cauſe they haue not the ſaide four thingis cordially enprinted in their myndes. [] O our redemptour almighty and merciful Iheſu / graunte vs ſo thy grace / that we may yet ſurely pourueye for our laſt thingis / & ſo cordyally frequente the remembraunce of thy godhede that it cauſe vs here after to repelle & reuoque our ſynnes / reſiſte our gooſtly enemy / & conforme vs in alle good werkes vnto thy bliſſed wil / to thobteigning finally with the happy ſainctes of thyñ eternale glorie.
      (please add an English translation of this quotation)