[edit]A reduced form of cieti, the adverbial form of ciets (“hard”).
- (usually with the copula būt; similar to German zu) closed, shut, sometimes also metaphorically
- acis ciet ― eyes closed
- muti ciet! ― mouth closed! (= shut up!)
- logi un durvis ir ciet ― the doors and windows are closed
- skapis ir ciet ― the cabinet is closed
- pasts jau ir ciet ― the post office is already closed
- labā auss ir ciet ― the right ear is closed (= full of wax/plugged (as from a change in altitude during a flight, etc.))
- elpa ciet ― the breath(ing) is closed (= difficult, heavy)
- “jau ciet!” viņa brīnījās, redzēdama aizlipināto aploksni ― “already closed!” she marveled, seeing the sealed envelope
- tagad tikai mutītes ciet, mani mazie ― now just (keep) your little mouths shut, my little ones
- līdz vilcienam divdesmit minūtes laika, bet kase vēl ciet ― only twenty minutes till the train (departs), and the counter (is) still closed
- pēc lielā sala upe būs ciet ― after a big frost the river will be closed (= frozen)
- skolas dedzinātājs ciet! ― the school arsonist is closed (= has been arrested)
- imperfective counterpart of the prefix aiz-, indicating that the object of the verb was closed, shut, or filled
- taisīt durvis ciet ― to shut the door
- vērt vārtus ciet ― to close the gates
- bāzt caurumu ciet ― to close, fill up the hole
- Jānis nesaprata, ko darīt: iet prom savā istabā, slēgt ciet kancelejas durvis? ― Jānis didn't know what to do: go away to his room, lock the office door shut?
- pirksti nervozi taustījās ap mēteļa sprādzi, bet ciet to dabūt viņam tomēr neizdevās ― his fingers fumbled nervously around the coat buckle, but he was unable to get it shut (= to buckle it up)
- imperfective counterpart of the prefix sa-, indicating that the object of the verb was caught, captured, or bound
- Artūrs skaļi noprasīja: “stāvi, grāb tikai kādu meiteni ciet” ― Artūrs asked loud: “stop, just grab some girl”
- “ķer tik medūzas ciet!” kapteinis pamācīja ― “just catch the jellyfish!” the captain admonished
- tikai tagad paspējis izrauties sievai, kas to visu laiku turēja ciet ― only now did he manage to escape his wife, who kept him under control (lit. captured) all the time
- used together with the prefixes aiz- or sa-, to reinforce their meanings
- aizsist grāmatu ciet ― to slam the book shut
- aizvērt acis ciet ― to close one's eyes shut
- saņemt ciet ― to arrest (lit. to take shut, captured)
- sniegi aizvelk ceļu ciet, kā lai tālāk iet? ― the snow had filled, covered the road (lit. pulled the road shut), how are we to proceed now?
- Ozols man zvilnēja blakām, ceļgalus rokām satvēris ciet ― Ozols was sprawling near me, clutching his knees with his hands