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From cep(t) (to roast) +‎ -etis.


  • IPA(key): [tsɛpɛtis]
  • Audio:(file)



cepetis m (2nd declension)

  1. roast (a sizeable piece of meat roasted or broiled in an oven)
    cūkas, teļa cepetispig, veal roast
    cepeti sagriež šķēlēsthey cut the roast up into slices
    mēs ejam pie galda, kur mūs gaida jēra cepetis ar baltiem, miltainiem kartupeļiemwe go by the table, where a lamb roast with white, floury potatoes wait for us
  2. roast (a small animal or bird roasted or broiled in an oven)
    vistas, pīles, tītara cepetischicken, duck, turkey roast
    zaķa cepetisrabbit roast
    “vai zoss cepeti arī nest?” jautāja meita, ienākusi ar jaunu ēdienu kravu“are they carrying also the goose roast?” the girl asked, coming with a new load of food


Declension of cepetis (2nd declension)
singular plural
nominative cepetis cepeši
genitive cepeša cepešu
dative cepetim cepešiem
accusative cepeti cepešus
instrumental cepeti cepešiem
locative cepetī cepešos
vocative cepeti cepeši

Derived terms
