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From boy +‎ -unca.


  • IPA(key): [boˈjund͡ʒɑ], [boˈjund͡zɑ]
  • Hyphenation: boy‧un‧ca
  • Audio:(file)




  1. along (lengthwise next to)
    • 2015 August 19, ann.az[1]:
      Çində körpünü çayın üstündən yox, çay boyunca tikdilər
      In China, a bridge has been built along the river, rather than over it.
  2. for, over (a period of time)
    • 2021 September 19, Hürriyyət.az[2], archived from the original on 4 February 2022:
      ABŞ Əfqanıstanda ordu saxlamaq üçün 20 il boyunca hər gün 300 milyon dollar xərcləyib
      The United States has spent $ 300 million every day for 20 years to keep troops in Afghanistan
    • 2014 October 9, Azadinform.az[3], archived from the original on 4 February 2022:
      Bu istiqamətdə, həm də təkcə fevral və ya mart ayında deyil, 365 gün boyunca işləmək lazımdır.
      It is necessary to work in this direction, not only in February or March, but for 365 days
    • 2021 November 6, Oxu.az[4]:
      Çox maraqlıdır ki, müharibə boyunca bir nəfərdə belə ruh düşkünlüyü görmədim.
      It is very interesting that for the [whole] war I did not see such low spirits in anyone.
  3. across (throughout)
    • 2020 September 17, “Archived copy”, in Yeni Sabah[5], archived from the original on 4 February 2022:
      Belə bir statistika qarşısında bütün ölkə boyunca təhsilin məhdudlaşdırılması yalnız bacarıqsızlığın göstəricisidir.
      In the face of such statistics, the restriction of education across the country is only an indication of incompetence.


Declension of boyunca
singular plural
1st (after me/us") boyumca boyumuzca
2nd (after you") boyunca boyunuzca
3rd ("after him/her/it/them") boyunca boylarınca

Further reading






From boy.




  1. along
  2. during