- to scare oneself, each other; reflexive of baidīt
- to be afraid, to feel fear
- baidīties no vilka ― to be afraid of the wolf
- baidīties no soda ― to be afraid of punishment
- baidīties no savas ēnas ― to be afraid of one's shadow (= of everything)
- zirgs baidās no trokšņa ― the horse is afraid of the noise
- zēns baidījās nomaldīties ― the boy was afraid of getting lost
- to fear, to worry (about something)
- baidīties par savu dzīvību, veselību ― to fear for one's life, health
- baidīties par savu nākotni ― to fear for one's future
- baidīties par rezultātiem ― to fear the results
- par viņu nav jābaidās, viņš tiks ar visu galā ― you don't have to worry about him, he will manage to handle everything
- baidos, vai man nebūs jānomirst, dēlu neredzējušam ― I am afraid of dying without seeing (my) son
- to fear, to be shy about
- baidīties riskēt ― to be afraid of running risks
- viņš baidījās skaļi runāt ― he was afraid of speaking (too) loud
- Agnese bija kautra un baidījās uzrunāt svešu cilvēku ― Agnese was shy and was afraid of addressing a stranger