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See also: byta





From Old Norse býta, from Middle Low German būten, of uncertain ultimate origin; possibly a Celtic borrowing, from Proto-Celtic *boudi (victory, booty, spoils). If so, related to the name of Boudica, a British Celtic queen.



býta (third person singular past indicative býtti, third person plural past indicative býtt, supine býtt)

  1. to change
  2. to exchange
  3. to divide


Conjugation of býta (group v-2)
infinitive býta
supine býtt
present past
first singular býti býtti
second singular býtir býtti
third singular býtir býtti
plural býta býttu
participle (a39)1 býtandi býttur
singular být!
plural býtið!

1Only the past participle being declined.

Further reading

  • "býta" at Sprotin.fo
  • Godefroy, Frédéric, Dictionnaire de l’ancienne langue française et de tous ses dialectes du IXe au XVe siècle (1881) (býta, supplement)
  • Rolleston, T.W. (2018): Celtic Mythology