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See also: as ples





asples m

  1. plural of asple

Tok Pisin


Alternative forms




From as (origin) +‎ ples (place).




  1. hometown, birthplace
    • 2007, anonymous author, Sirakyus Pol i Bin Stop Liklik Taim Long Dispela Hap[1]:
      Sirakyus i bin i gat biknem inap sampela taim, na em asples bilong ol man bilong bipo em ol i gat nem, olsem Epikamus em man bilong raitim ol pilai, na Akemides em saveman bilong matematiks.
      Syracuse had moments of glory and was the birthplace of well-known figures of ancient times, such as the playwright Epicharmus and the mathematician Archimedes.




  1. indigenous
    • 2017, anonymous author, Consevesen Melanesia[2]:
      Inap long 1995, dispela ples i lukautim 3000 asples manmeri ol kolim ol yet Maisin pipel.
      Since 1995, the biologically diverse Collingwood Bay area on the coast of Oro Province, north-eastern Papua New Guinea, has been the setting for a conflict between the province’s 3,000 indigenous Maisin people and proposed commercial logging and palm oil development within the community’s 262,000 hectares of ancestral lands.

Derived terms
