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Alternative forms




Either simply anu- +‎ assavati (to flow towards), or a later modification of anvāssavati (to stream into) to accord with the rule that vowels before consonant clusters are short.



anvassavati (root su, first conjugation)

  1. Alternative form of anvāssavati (to stream into)
    • 2006, The First Book in the Suttanta-Pitaka: Dīgha-Nikāya (I)[1], page 122:
      49. කටඤ‍්ච මහාරාජ භික‍්ඛු ඉන්‍ද්‍රියෙසු ගුත‍්තද‍්වාරො හොති? ඉධ
      මහාරාජ භික‍්ඛු චක‍්ඛුනා රූපං දිස‍්වා න නිමිත‍්තග‍්ගාහි හොති නානුබ්‍ය-
      ඤ‍්ජනග‍්ගාහි. යත්‍වාධිරණනමෙනං චක‍්ඛුන්‍ද්‍රියං අසංවුතං විහරන‍්තං
      අභිජ‍්ඣා­ දොමනස‍්සා පාපකා අකුසලා ධම‍්මා අන්‍වස‍්සවෙය්‍යුං තස‍්ස සංවරාය
      පටිපජ‍්ජති. රක‍්ඛති චක‍්ඛුන්‍ද්‍රියං, චක‍්ඛුන්‍ද්‍රියෙ සංවරං ආපඛ‍ජ‍්ජති
      49. Kathañca mahārāja bhikkhu indriyesu guttadvāro hoti? Idha mahārāja bhikkhu cakkhunā rūpaṃ disvā na nimittaggāhī hoti nānubyañjanaggāhī. Yatvādhikaraṇamenaṃ cakkhundriyaṃ asaṃvutaṃ viharantaṃ abhijjhā domanassā pāpakā akusalā dhammā anvassaveyyuṃ tassa saṃvarāya paṭipajjati. Rakkhati cakkhundriyaṃ. cakkhundriye saṃvaraṃ āpajjati.
      49. And how, O king, is the Bhikshu guarded as to the doors of his senses? When, O king, he sees an object with his eye he is not entranced in the general appearance or the details of it. He sets himself to restrain that which might give occasion for evil states, covetousness and dejection, to flow in over him so long as he dwells unrestrained as to his sense of sight. He keeps watch upon his faculty of sight, and in the faculty he undergoes restraint.


  • Present active participle: anvassavant, which see for forms and usage
  • Future active participle: anvassavissant, which see for forms and usage