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From aiz- +‎ galds (table; (archaic) log, board).


  • IPA(key): [àjzɡâlts]
  • Audio:(file)



aizgalds m (1st declension)

  1. (rare) compartment in a barn or animal shed to keep pigs, sheep, calves, etc.; stall, pen
    aizgalds baroklima pen for fattening (pigs)
    sivēnu aizgaldspiglet pen
    teļu aizgaldscalf pen
    ierīkot aizgalduto set up a pen, stall
    Marija iekāpa aizgaldā, notupās pakaišos un apsveicinājās ar katru jēru atsevišķiMarija got into the pen, knelt (by) the (calf) litter and greeted every calf separately
  2. (dialectal) compartment under a building, in a basement or cellar
    vislielākais aizgalds pagrabā bija aizņemts ar kartupeļiem, kuri aizsedza gandrīz visu pakaļējo akmens sienuthe largest comparment in the basement was taken (= filled) with potatoes, which hid most of the rear stone wall


Declension of aizgalds (1st declension)
singular plural
nominative aizgalds aizgaldi
genitive aizgalda aizgaldu
dative aizgaldam aizgaldiem
accusative aizgaldu aizgaldus
instrumental aizgaldu aizgaldiem
locative aizgaldā aizgaldos
vocative aizgald aizgaldi

See also
