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From a- +‎ fitora (fishspear) +‎ -ar.





afitorar (first-person singular present afitoro, first-person singular preterite afitorí, past participle afitorat)(transitive)

  1. to spear (with a fishspear or trident)
    • 2010, Francesc Maynou i Hernàndez, Un mar sense peixos:
      Afitora el petit per atreure-les i les balenes fan esforços increïbles per salvar-lo, per endur-se'l; tornen a la superfície, s'exposen als cops per fer-lo tornar a la superfície i fer-lo respirar.
      He spears the small one to attract them and the whales make incredible efforts to save him, to make off with him; they return to the surface, expose themselves to blows in order to return him to the surface and make him breathe.
      (please add an English translation of this quotation)
  2. (figurative) to fix (amb la vista with one's gaze), to stare at

Further reading
