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Via other European languages, ultimately borrowed from Persian افغان (afğân, Afghan), itself a borrowing from Bactrian αβαγανο (abagano).


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afgānis m (2nd declension, feminine form: afgāniete)

  1. a (male) Afghan, a man from Afghanistan or of Afghan descent
    pēc tautības afgānisan Afghan by ethnicity, an ethnic Afghan
    afgānis Latvijā strādā par 10 santīmieman Afghan in Latvia works for 10 santīms (= cents)
    puštuni jeb etniskie afgāņi ir irāņu tauta, kura galvenokārt dzīvo Afganistānas dienvidos un austrumosthe Pashtuns or ethnic Afghans are an Iranian people who live mostly in the south and east of Afghanistan
  2. (genitive plural): Afghan, pertaining to Afghanistan and its people
    afgāņu bēgļiAfghan refugees
    pirmais angļu-afgāņu karšfirst Anglo-Afghan war
    afgāņu bērniAfghan children
    afgāņu mūzikaAfghan music

Usage notes


The term puštuns is now preferred to afgānis, afgāniete as a more precise name for a member of the Pashtun people, since afgānis, afgāniete, like English Afghan, could in principle refer to a member of any of the ethnic groups from Afghanistan.


Declension of afgānis (2nd declension)
singular plural
nominative afgānis afgāņi
genitive afgāņa afgāņu
dative afgānim afgāņiem
accusative afgāni afgāņus
instrumental afgāni afgāņiem
locative afgānī afgāņos
vocative afgāni afgāņi

