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Alternative forms







Proper noun


Zotha ? sg (genitive Zothae); first declension

  1. (hapax legomenon) A lake or river of Margiana, Central Asia, mentioned by Pliny
    • c. 77 CE – 79 CE, Pliny the Elder, Naturalis Historia 6.18.47:
      in qua Alexander Alexandriam condiderat, qua diruta a barbaris Antiochus Seleuci filius eodem loco restituit Syrianam interfluente Margo, qui corrivatur in Zotha lacu; maluerat illam Antiochiam appellari.
      This place having been destroyed by the barbarians, Antiochus,the son of Seleucus, rebuilt it on the same site as a Syrian city. For, seeing that it was watered by the Margus, which passes through it, and is afterwards divided into a number of streams for the irrigation of the district of Zothale, he restored it, but preferred giving it the name of Antiochia.



First-declension noun, singular only.

nominative Zotha
genitive Zothae
dative Zothae
accusative Zotham
ablative Zothā
vocative Zotha


  • Zothales in Gaffiot, Félix (1934) Dictionnaire illustré latin-français, Hachette.
  • H. Rackham, transl. (1942), Pliny: Natural History (Loeb Classical Library), volume 2, Books 3–7, page 372