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Alternative forms




From the Hanyu Pinyin romanization of the Mandarin 岳普湖 (Yuèpǔhú).

Proper noun



  1. Synonym of Yopurga: the Mandarin Chinese-derived name.
    • 1982 May 20 [1982 April 17], Wenfu Huang, “Unity Among All Nationalities in Xinjiang Marked by New Situation”, in China Report, Political, Sociological and Military Affairs[1], Foreign Broadcast Information Service, page 109:
      Cadres of the Uighur nationality of the Standing Committee of the Yuepuhu County party committee went deep into the midst of the lower levels and among religious believers, energetically preaching the need for national unity.
    • 2019, “Uyghur Trader Who Went Missing in Xinjiang Ahead of Travel to Turkey Died in Detention”, in Radio Free Asia[2]:
      Ibrahim Kurban, from Terim township in Kashgar (in Chinese, Kashi) prefecture’s Yopurgha (Yuepuhu) county, disappeared in May 2016 while awaiting a flight from the XUAR capital Urumqi that would eventually bring him to Turkey, a friend told RFA’s Uyghur Service on condition of anonymity.

