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Wiktionary:Word of the day/2024/March 27

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Word of the day
for March 27
floater n
  1. A person who floats.
    1. A person who physically floats in a gas or liquid.
      1. (law enforcement, slang) A corpse floating in a body of water.
    2. (figurative) A person without a fixed or lasting affiliation, position, or role.
      1. A person who frequently changes where they live; a drifter, a vagrant.
      2. A person who frequently changes employment.
      3. An employee of an organization who does not have fixed tasks to do but fills in wherever needed, usually when someone else is away; also, a short-term employee; a temporary, a temp.
      4. An "extra" (male) guest at a party who is asked by the host to entertain the other (often female) guests.
      5. (slang) A person who attaches themselves to a group of people, and who repeatedly shows up at group activities even though this is undesired by the group; a hanger-on.
      6. (politics)
        1. A voter who shifts their allegiance from one political party to another, especially (US) one whose vote can be illegally purchased.
        2. (US) A person who votes illegally in various electoral districts or polling places, either under a false voter registration or under the name of a properly registered voter who has not yet voted.
        3. (US) A person, such as a delegate to a convention or a member of a legislature, who represents an irregular constituency, such as one formed by a union of the voters of two counties neither of which has a number sufficient to be allowed one (or an extra) representative of its own.
      7. (sports) A player not affiliated with a team. [...]
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