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Wiktionary:Word of the day/2023/May 30

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Word of the day
for May 30
caddy n
  1. (also attributively) A small box or tin (can) with a lid for holding dried tea leaves used to brew tea.
  2. (by extension)
    1. A (usually small) box, chest, or tin with a lid, and often with partitions, used to keep things in.
    2. A movable tray or other mechanism for holding (sometimes within a piece of equipment or machinery), securing, and transporting a removable component.
    3. A lightweight wheeled cart; specifically, one attached to a bicycle as a conveyance for a child, or pulled by hand and used to transport groceries away from a shop. [...]

The English merchant Thomas Twining, who founded the tea company Twinings, died on this day in 1741 according to the Gregorian calendar (19 May by the Julian calendar).

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