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Wiktionary:Word of the day/2022/February 24

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Word of the day
for February 24
magistery n
  1. (chiefly historical)
    1. (countable, alchemy, also figuratively)
      1. A pure quality with the power to cure or to turn one substance into another; also, a substance such as a philosopher's stone able to turn one substance into another.
      2. (obsolete) The product of such a transformation.
    2. (countable, chemistry)
      1. A fine substance deposited by precipitation, formerly applied to certain white precipitates from metallic solutions.
      2. (obsolete) A concentrated extract of a substance.
  2. (obsolete)
    1. (countable) An art or a skill.
    2. (countable) Synonym of magistracy (the dignity or office of a magistrate; the collective body of magistrates)
    3. (countable, pharmacology, veterinary medicine) A medicine prepared for a specific use.
    4. (uncountable) The quality possessed by a master; authority, mastership, mastery; also, the exercise of authority.
    5. (uncountable, Roman Catholicism) Synonym of magisterium (the teaching authority or office of the Roman Catholic Church)
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