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Wiktionary:Word of the day/2022/August 12

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Word of the day
for August 12
training wheel n
  1. (military, historical) A wheel forming part of the machinery of a cannon or a similar firearm which is turned to train or aim the weapon at a target.
  2. (rail transport, archaic) Synonym of trailing wheel (on a steam locomotive, an unpowered wheel or axle located behind the driving wheels)
  3. (chiefly Canada, US and in the plural, cycling) One of a pair of small wheels, each attached to one side of a bicycle's rear wheel to provide support for new riders.

training wheels n (plural only)

  1. (figuratively) Anything designed to make something easier for a novice. [...]

Today is International Youth Day, which is recognized by the United Nations to highlight issues faced by youth worldwide.

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