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Wiktionary:Word of the day/2021/May 26

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Word of the day
for May 26
Caucasian adj
  1. Of or relating to the Caucasus region or its culture, languages, and people.
  2. (anthropology, dated) Of a racial classification pertaining to people having certain phenotypical features such as straight, curly, or wavy hair and very light to brown pigmented skin, and originating from Europe, parts of Northern Africa and Central, South, and Western Asia.
  3. (Canada, US) Of a person: having a white complexion and European ancestry; white.

Caucasian n

  1. A native or inhabitant of the Caucasus.
  2. (alcoholic beverages, humorous) Synonym of White Russian (a cocktail consisting of coffee liqueur, milk, and vodka)
  3. (anthropology, dated) A member of the Caucasian racial classification (adjective sense 2).
  4. (linguistics) A group of languages spoken in the Caucasus region.
  5. (Canada, US) A white person.

Today is Independence Day, the national day of Georgia which is located in the Caucasus.

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